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What are the key considerations for designing cryogenic seals for LNG valves?

What are the key considerations for designing cryogenic seals for LNG valves?

  • September 12. 2024

Sealing at cryogenic temperatures has its own unique set of challenges.

To provide superior protection against leakage in cryogenic valves for LNG, cryogenic seals should be designed with the following properties in mind:

  • Jacket material that tolerates thermal cycling
  • A spring energizer to compensate for shrinkage
  • Anti-extrusion lip geometry

JST has a wide range of solutions for cryogenic sealing applications. The range includes valve stem seals and valve seat seals. Cryogenic seals require skillful design by combining the right type of material, seal configuration, and spring energizer to overcome the dimensional fluctuation of all mating parts.

According to different working conditions and application, JST will make related adjustments to the products, including but not limited to: changing the seal jacket material, changing the spring technology, adding T cover, adding gaskets, etc.

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